Added Realism For Vehicles v1.2
Added Realism For Vehicles v1.2
Added Realism For Vehicles v1.2
Added Realism For Vehicles v1.2
Added Realism For Vehicles v1.2
Added Realism For Vehicles v1.2

Added Realism For Vehicles v1.2
Added Realism For Vehicles v1.2

Naujienos aprašymas:
Modifikacija skirta dar labiau surealizuoti žaidima. Nuo šiol ,,dubliai" jums bus naudingesni ir verti kiek vieno cento. Išverskime į lietuvių kalba, kad tai yra ,,Užklimpimo modas" , Modifikacija kuri dar labiau užpildo žaidimo paliktas spragas, teks atsakingai įsigyti technika ir pasilikti rezervui daugiau galios prie padargo, nuo šiol platūs ratai ar net vikšrai bus dar labiau vertinami žaidime, stebėjimas orų, nes po lietaus suminkštėjus žemei, jūs klimpsite, padargų tampymas nebus toks paprastas koks buvo prieš tai, kiekvienas padargo sąlytis su žeme reguos taip, kaip jūsų traktorius yra pasirenges tam. Dubliai ir vikšrai bei kitokių opcijų ratai įgaus kiek vertingesne ir realesne prasme . Taip pat skirtingai reguoja į sąlyčius su skirtingu dirvožemiu, dirbti arimus ar skusti ražiena , jau ne taspats.

Jei jūsų ūkiui dvigubi ratai per dideli, teks įsigyti dar didesnį traktorių prie to pačio padargo. Su kombainais pasisaugokit, jei pradėjo lyt ir teks važiuoti su pilnu bunkeriu, manau 100% paklimsit, priklausomai nuo dydžio ir galingumo... Orai bus jūsų draugas arba priešas, tad sėkmės žaidime.

Kelti į ,,mods" aplankala

Modifikacijos autorius: 900Hasse

Prisegu faila, su anglišku detaliu aprašymu, detaliu išaiškinimu ir pnš.
Added Realism For Vehicles v1.2 FS19

The goal of this mod is to make the game feel more realistic and
customizing the vehicle for the task more rewarding.
The goal is to make the mod universal.
This mod supports multiplayer and dedicated servers.
No changes in XML is needed. Some data from XML is overwritten!

In the base game many vehicles does not take tiretype into consideration making for example
the lizard pickup truck recive unrealistic high friction at all ground types.
This mod fill the missing data based on tiretrack index making it universal.
Different tiretypes now act completely different on different ground types and
suffers differently on rain and sinking into the ground.
This mod only supports the 4 standard tiretypes: MUD, STREET, OFFROAD and CRAWLERS!
Calculates friction based on size of tire making wide tires, duals and tracks worth the money for
heavy fieldwork but the narrows suffers making it ideal for easier tasks in later growth state.
Adds rolling and sideway resistance meening:
More wheel load, small tires and soft ground = more force needed for pulling or pushing.
Less wheel load, large tires and hard ground = less force needed for pulling or pushing.
Wheels now dig down into the ground.

Pulling force for “Plows”, “cultivators” and “sowingmachines” is affected by ground type.
Balers and loading wagons uses power based on fillspeed.
Increased sink of wheels, this will make it harder to pull small wheels in soft ground.
Added missing information about balers and loading wagons use power based on fillspeed.
The power added by fillspeed is now based on the mass of the mateial,
grass needs more power then straw for example.
Slightly increased friction of street tires.
Added the wheel digging into the ground if no traction.
Removed gearbox.
Added support for “REA Dynamic dirt”, driving into standing water
created by “REA Dynamic dirt” decrease friction and increase sink of wheels.
Decreased power added by fillspeed with 25%.
Decreased sink in rootcrops from 0,15m to 0,1m.
Added a minimum sideway resistance to make vehicle more stable.
Resolved issue where crawlers sufferd of extreme rolling resistance and low friction.

Atsiuntimo nuorodos | Download:


Failo dydis:29 KB

    Įkėlė: Deividas- Peržiūrėta: 22318 kartus

Julius Bumbulis 19 Balandžio 2020 16:32
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