3rd of Five
3rd of Five

This is the third in my series of large maps that are mostly flat with the exception of a big hill in the largest field on this one.
There are about 20 fields in total, and I have put some wheat and grass in about 6 of them to help get you started.
All the rest are empty waiting to be planted. The dealership and crop selling points, are close by the farm for your convenience.
I put a river in this one just to give it a little scenery. The fields are open and easily accessible.
There are 3 bale shredders, 2 at the farm, and one at the mill. There are 4 points to refuel, one at the store, one at the
dealership, and 2 at the farm. 3 grass silage dumps, 2 small, and one large. And also plenty of sheds for bale, and equiptment storeage.
Fruittypes include: wheat barley rape maize sunflower oat sugarbeet pea potato maizev2 cotton rice soybean

Credits to:

thomask for the small Implement Shed
bitten for the Unloading platform at the mill
ovidyu for the Billinger land trade building
Larsey123 for the silage silo
agget for the bale barn

And to anyone else I may have forgotten. Thank You!

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