weed mod v1.1
weed mod v1.1

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cultivators / plowing and growing set
- Weeds are mitgedroschen and reset
- Weeds reduced yield during threshing (n * 0.
- Weeds can be removed by using the sprayer, which is included
- Absolute limits of detection for all field cultivators and plows, plants are only deleted from within the field
- Revenue increased by clouds
- Includes renewable grass (based on the grassAutoGrow.zip of Claas-mod on)

- Other sprayers can be converted easily by changing a line in their lua-script (Utils.removeWeedArea (x, z, x1, z1, x2, z2); instead Utils.updateSprayArea (x, z, x1, z1, x2, z2); )

Changelog v1.1:

- Reduction in yield expanded, otherwise there problems with the area meter
- Lua field without detection limits (ohne_feldgrenzen_foliageUtils.lua) added, simply replace the existing foliageUtils.lua in grassAutoGrow.zip


Same thing first: this guide is only intended for people who know about how i3d is built in text editor, or which sections are out!
Or who has already brought new crops into the map so that no problem will have.

grassAutoGrow.zip in Mods folder, this grass grow based on the auto-mod on the Claas and must be replaced if it already exists.

The weed_density.grle is empty and comes in the data/maps/map01 / folder. Copy Without a new save game will be started, then found in the savegame folder.
The foliage_weed_diffuse.png comes to data / maps / textures / foliage / folder
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