John Deere 6410 Pathtractor

John Deere 6410 Pathtractor
Well here it finally is. A JD 6410 for FS. This is basically the 6510 by templaer that has been shortened with a new decal. All the 6510 functions still work, like the windows and the doors. The weight has also been removed.
Original 6510: templaer and Wohlstandskind
Bonnet conversion: davedb
Decals: Provided by trentopiki, added by Eddy
Light fix: Eddy
Idea/Beta Tester: Taz 5
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Kategorija: Landwirtschafts simulator 2009 » LS 09 kitaPridėta: 31-10-2010, 16:27

John Deere 6410 Pathtractor
Well here it finally is. A JD 6410 for FS. This is basically the 6510 by templaer that has been shortened with a new decal. All the 6510 functions still work, like the windows and the doors. The weight has also been removed.
Original 6510: templaer and Wohlstandskind
Bonnet conversion: davedb
Decals: Provided by trentopiki, added by Eddy
Light fix: Eddy
Idea/Beta Tester: Taz 5
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