Euro truck simulator 2 nuotraukos ir video
1 Lapkričio 2012 - 20:39 / #481
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1 Lapkričio 2012 - 20:40 / #482 -
Automatic Testing
While developing Euro Truck Simulator 2 and specifically the physics simulation in the game, we have been putting a lot of effort into improving our vehicle physics model. Our goal is to make it as close to reality as possible. We have come a long way, but we would like to go even further of course.
Complexity of the physical model is growing - small change of one parameter in the system can often have hard to predict consequences. There are more and more combinations of parameters or configurations which need to be properly tested. Just to mention a few, there are at the moment three different axle configurations, engines with different hp, surfaces with different friction coefficients, we test both acceleration and braking at varying slopes, with or without the trailer which may be of different weight...
If you count all the combinations which should be tested, you arrive to hundreds of thousands, and it has become impossible to test everything traditionally at the hands (and steering wheels) of human testers. Such testing would be too time consuming and hard to organize systematically. Since we want to deliver maximum possible quality, we had to come up with automatic testing.
Vehicle is given prepared instructions and it is placed on a testing map with specific terrain profile. All possible combinations are tested automatically overnight and the results are processed afterwords using Perl scripts. This way we can often catch problems hiding among the many combinations. Although human testers are indispensable, we can conclude that the energy invested into building this test procedure has already paid off. Paskaitykit įdomu apie ETS21 Lapkričio 2012 - 22:05 / #483 -
Atsiusk man tu exsonu linka y P.M.
O čia pasikeliau 12lwl ir pasigerinau fura
Woot jau aplankiau 30% prozentu mapo
O Čia taip idomumo dieliai ismodeliavau MERSAPaskutinį kartą redagavo: tomaslt 2 Lapkričio 2012 - 06:142 Lapkričio 2012 - 06:13 / #484 -
aš jau buvau apviirtęs ant viaduko:D2 Lapkričio 2012 - 07:02 / #485
Važiavau per remonta
Pasirodo keičia vamžius matyt šiluminius ir todel yra viena puse uždaryta
Sustojau pailsėti2 Lapkričio 2012 - 07:47 / #486 -
Parlėkiau ant viaduko:D Nepristabdęs ant kokia 88km/h :D
Varau iš Poznan į Berlinį kartą redagavo: Modiz 2 Lapkričio 2012 - 08:312 Lapkričio 2012 - 08:30 / #487 -
jo labai uzsisuka jeigu greitai vaziuoji pastebejau ir man dar nepatinka vairas pasuki su rodyklite palaikai uzsuka labai daug geriau buvo kazkaip euro truks simulator siuo atveju man taip atrodo geriau butu vaziuoti su vairu2 Lapkričio 2012 - 08:34 / #488
Pagedo dafas pakeliui važiuojant į Berlyną
Pasitaisė Dafas davažiavau sieną
pradėjau lenkt:D
Tokia vairuotojų kelionė Ačiū už pažiūrėjimą
Aš jau nevieną kartą apvirtęs ant viaduko gal 3 ar 4 kartus:D Būkit atsargūs neviršinkit greičio:DPaskutinį kartą redagavo: Modiz 2 Lapkričio 2012 - 08:372 Lapkričio 2012 - 08:35 / #489 -
Čia ne siena o platioske cia reikia uz kelia susimokieti2 Lapkričio 2012 - 09:04 / #490
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