Mullis V1 (DLC2 required)

Now you can feel the farming taken to extreme level in school atmosphere! My newest map takes place in Finland in an agricultural schoolfarm.
- Supported fruits: Barley, Wheat, Rape, Oat, Rye
- Proper traffic and pedestrian paths and cowzone
- Working PDA map
- 13 Different sized fields
- River which can devour thoughtless student’s tractor
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Kategorija: Landwirtschafts simulator 2011 » LS 11 žemėlapiaiPridėta: 4-11-2011, 10:57

Now you can feel the farming taken to extreme level in school atmosphere! My newest map takes place in Finland in an agricultural schoolfarm.
- Supported fruits: Barley, Wheat, Rape, Oat, Rye
- Proper traffic and pedestrian paths and cowzone
- Working PDA map
- 13 Different sized fields
- River which can devour thoughtless student’s tractor
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Kas neturi nusipirkę DLC2, tiems neveiks!
P.S. Pirma isarchyvuokit kas viduj, bent jau man sitas vienas .zip'as neveike, reikejo isextractint Naujienos aprašymas:
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