Farming Simulator 2011 - Update 2.2

Update 2.2
* Fixed switching cutter fruit type switching if with combine grain tank capacity of zero (2.2)
* Fixed rare issue with loading of milk production/price scale values from savegame (2.2)
* Fixed rare issue with NAT Punch-through with identical local IPs (2.2)
* Fixed very rare crash bug with physics contact reports in missions (2.2)
* Fixed rare issue with screen shot feature (2.2)
* Supplemented multiviewport script interface (2.2)
* Added support for buying mods in multiplayer as client (2.2)
* Increased the maximal number of help messages shown (2.2)
* Added support for many grain unloading stations (2.2)
MP veiks tiem kas turi originalų CD
Jei prašys serial key - 2TXCK-7ETPE-8SA57-PLQ22-MHFB8
Visiem kyla klausimas- kam tas update(patch) jei neina MP?
O tam, kad ištaisyt žaidimo klaidas kurių tikriausiai dauguma net nepastebi.. Naujienos aprašymas:
18 mb
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Farming Simulator 2011 - Update 2.2 EN versija
Farming Simulator 2011 - Update 2.2 EN versija
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Kategorija: Landwirtschafts simulator 2011 » LS 11 KitaPridėta: 3-02-2011, 19:36

Update 2.2
* Fixed switching cutter fruit type switching if with combine grain tank capacity of zero (2.2)
* Fixed rare issue with loading of milk production/price scale values from savegame (2.2)
* Fixed rare issue with NAT Punch-through with identical local IPs (2.2)
* Fixed very rare crash bug with physics contact reports in missions (2.2)
* Fixed rare issue with screen shot feature (2.2)
* Supplemented multiviewport script interface (2.2)
* Added support for buying mods in multiplayer as client (2.2)
* Increased the maximal number of help messages shown (2.2)
* Added support for many grain unloading stations (2.2)
MP veiks tiem kas turi originalų CD
Jei prašys serial key - 2TXCK-7ETPE-8SA57-PLQ22-MHFB8
Visiem kyla klausimas- kam tas update(patch) jei neina MP?
O tam, kad ištaisyt žaidimo klaidas kurių tikriausiai dauguma net nepastebi.. Naujienos aprašymas:
18 mb
Download: Farming Simulator 2011 - Update 2.2 DE versija
Farming Simulator 2011 - Update 2.2 EN versija
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