Millenaire Mod NPC Village for Minecraft 1.4.7
Millenaire Mod NPC Village for Minecraft 1.4.7
Millenaire Mod NPC Village for Minecraft 1.4.7
Millenaire Mod NPC Village for Minecraft 1.4.7
Naujienos aprašymas:
Modifikacijos valdymas: Download and install Minecraft Forge
Download Millenaire Mod.
Open up minecraft.jar folder.
Open using Winrar or 7zip.
Then put the “put in mods folder” into your Mods folder ( If you don’t have make one).
Then put the “put in minecraft…” into your .minecraft folder. ( yeah beside bin and all others)
Play your totally amazing new Minecraft World!
Modifikacijos klaidos: Nera
Modifikacijos privalumai: Tai bus kaimeliai kuriusoe galesit pardavinet,pirkt daigtus daugaiu info:[EN]
When exploring in your world, like the vanilla villages; they will often spawn in the wilderness as you enter some chunks, however the villages will not spawn in every chunk you enter. When communicating with the villagers inside the villages; you may encounter a series of different classed villagers. For example you may encounter:

Shop keepers
Ordinary Villagers
Body guards
Alongside all these classes, you may encounter other villagers depending on the culture of the village. If you are looking for a specific kind of village, the developer of the mod has implemented a way of spawning in custom villages. However this way is in fact “ligit”, meaning that spawning in the villages does actually cost materials and can in turn; be crafted on a crafted table.
Villagers will gain your respect by trading with them, or doing jobs around the village that will benefit not only the village itself, but also you as a survivor. Inside the town hall, which is usually located near the centre of the village itself; you will find the main store in which you can buy and sell both vanilla and new items and blocks, such as Norman weapons and crops such as rice. There is really no limitation to what you can find and do when exploring the impressive and vast mod for Millenaire.

As long as you keep buying and selling in the store, your relationship status with the village and its people will rise significantly over time, and when the villages tax and bought items will be stored inside locked chests that are located inside the town hall. When these chests are filled, the town will work to expand a better looking, and larger town hall to fit more chests and facilities within it. Within days a small village could become a large, fast expanding empire!
Exploring your world with the Millenaire mod is much more satisfying then without it. Villages are an unlikely occurrence usually, however with the Millenaire mod; it’s more likely that you find one of the new villages then a default testificate village. Instead of using emeralds and other items to buy and sell materials, the mod has also implemented a currency system to allow the player/user to buy and sell with a new unique money feature. Right clicking on villagers will bring up a shop menu if they have one, or an option selection depending on the villager type. They will also speak at you when you come near of them or when you interact. Different village cultures such as Asian or Indian speak in the correct language, so you may or may not understand what they are saying.
Modifikacijos autorius: ---
Modifikacijos vertinimas (keliais žodeliais): 10/10
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