Flan’s Mod for Minecraft 1.4.7/1.4.6
Naujienos aprašymas:
Modifikacijos valdymas: Some notes about plane and vehicle crafting

The planes and vehicles will take any engine. The engine speed adds to the plane / vehicle speed so better engines make the plane / vehicle go faster.
Guns are always optional. You can put any deployable guns into the gun slots, but some planes / vehicles disallow use of certain slots.
The blueprints section lists all the planes / vehicles you have made in the past and clicking on one of these places as much stuff into the crafting table as possible to make that particular plane / vehicle.
Teams Controls

G : Open Team Select Menu
H : Open Team Score Menu
Plane / Vehicle Controls

(This will be changeable in the next update)

E : Exit plane / vehicle
R : Inventory
Planes (simple control mode) and Vehicles

W : Accelerate
S : Decelerate / Go backwards
A : Turn left
D : Turn right
Left Ctrl : Shoot machine guns
V : Drop bomb / fire shell
Space : Pitch up (Planes only)
Left Shift : Pitch down (Planes only)
C : Switch control modes (planes only)
Planes (mouse controls)

Same as simple controls except no pitching with space / shift
Mouse up/down : pitch up/down
Mouse left/right : roll left/right
Left click : Shoot machine guns
Right click : Drop bombs

1. Install the most recent Minecraft Forge
2. Download Flan’s Mod
3. Place the downloaded .zip in the mods folder
(On the client you can find the mods folder by opening Minecraft, going to the texture pack menu, pressing “Open Texture Pack Folder” and going up one level)
4. Get some content packs
Modifikacijos klaidos: Nera
Modifikacijos privalumai: Viska ka galima daryt su situo modu pamatysit video.
Modifikacijos autorius: jamioflan
Modifikacijos vertinimas (keliais žodeliais): 10/10
Atsiuntimo nuorodos | Download:

Download: Failai.lt

Failo dydis:481 KB

    Įkėlė: erniuss Peržiūrėta: 7889 kartus

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