Useful Tools Mod [1.4.7] [Modloader]
Useful Tools Mod [1.4.7] [Modloader]
Naujienos aprašymas:
Modifikacijos valdymas: Make sure you have minecraft 1.4.7
Install modloader
Open using winRAR or similar program
Copy all containing files into your minecraft.jar file
Modifikacijos klaidos: Nera
Modifikacijos privalumai: Flaming

The flaming tools are, pretty much what they say. These tools act like flint and steel and when right clicked create a nice little fire. Crafted with Fire Infused Iron.


The teleporting tools spawn an enderpearl entity and will teleport you where it lands. You still take damage but i may remove that later. Crafted with Ender Infused Iron.


The fertilizing tools will act as bone meal when right clicked. Works on all plants! Crafted with Fertile Cobblestone.


All tools are crafted like any normal tool. But don't try the hoe, doesn't work (intentional)

The Fire Infused Iron is crafted by smelting Fire Dust and Iron. Fire Dust and Iron is crafted shapelessly with Iron and Firedust. Firedust is made by crafting a Firecharge.

The Ender Infused Iron is crafted the same way as the Fire Infused Iron, but with enderdust instead. The enderdust is made by crafting and enderpearl.

The Fertile Cobblestone is created by placing a piece of moss stone in the middle of the crafting grid, and putting 4 bonemeal on the middle-edges of the crafting table. Moss stone has a recipe, by surrounding cobblestone with vines you will obtain 1.
Modifikacijos autorius: paul20472047
Modifikacijos vertinimas (keliais žodeliais): 10/10
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Download: ShareMods.Com

Failo dydis:38 KB

    Įkėlė: erniuss Peržiūrėta: 8698 kartus

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