Spin Tires Foto

  1. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Prisitrynęs


    Žinutės: 23

    Patinka: 319

    Apdovanojimai: 2

    Dedam gaza su bratka

    Razynka, Patrulis, adas7250 ir kitas 2 Patinka ši žinutė.
    26 Birželio 2014 - 02:16 / #161
  2. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Aktyvus


    Žinutės: 975

    Patinka: 1791

    Apdovanojimai: 8

    MTVR 8×8 tas geriausiai eina,bliamba kaip jis lipa visur,nesveikas aparats
    adas7250 Patinka ši žinutė.
    26 Birželio 2014 - 05:40 / #162
  3. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Aktyvus


    Žinutės: 998

    Patinka: 2157

    Apdovanojimai: 8

    Kitos temos lyg kaip ir nera sukurtos butent tam dalykui,tai parasysiu cia,ka dar planuoja Spin Tires zaidimo kurejai idet y zaidima

    Spintires developer Oovee Game Studios wants to keep expanding the off-road trucking simulator with features such as weather, new environments, additional vehicles and more, according to a Q&A posted to Reddit earlier this month.

    Oovee is planning to provide some content in free updates, but may also charge for add-ons, depending on how much time and work they require to make. Regardless, the studio's main focus is to improve the existing game rather than develop DLC.

    Spintires takes place in Russia, and although Oovee will likely add new environments and trucks, the studio wants to remain faithful to Russian locales and vehicles for now; trucks manufactured elsewhere may pop up later in special scenarios. Oovee hopes to increase the environment variety with new maps in future updates, possibly bringing in natural features like cliffs and urban areas (although the studio noted that the latter would require more work).

    Different weather conditions are coming: wind and rain, at the very least, are in the cards because they both would have a material effect on the physics of rubber meeting dirt. Winter maps are a possibility as well, but Oovee isn't sure about snow and ice.

    One element of Spintires that will remain the same is the map. Right now, it's a separate overlay that players have to pull up, and that's the way Oovee likes it. The studio believes an on-screen mini-map or GPS feature would ruin the experience.

    "Oovee is [committed] to constantly upgrading [Spintires]. They will not stop improving it for players," reads the end of the Q&A. Spintires launched two weeks ago on Windows PC via Steam; it is available for $29.99. For more on the game, check out our Overview video below.
    Patrulis Patinka ši žinutė.
    26 Birželio 2014 - 18:52 / #163
  4. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Naujokas


    Žinutės: 1

    Apdovanojimai: 1

    kaip pasibaige kuras,ka reikia daryti,,?

    kaip pasibaige kuras ka reikia daryti? help
    Paskutinį kartą redagavo: remis203 9 Sausio 2015 - 20:39
    9 Sausio 2015 - 20:38 / #164
  5. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Aktyvus


    Žinutės: 160

    Patinka: 976

    Apdovanojimai: 4

    Spin Tires Išleido nauja update :) Taip pat atsirado naujas žemėlapis :) Žiauriai sunkus :)

    Tautvis, ManasTga, Domic ir kitas 3 Patinka ši žinutė.
    10 Sausio 2015 - 21:19 / #165
  6. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Aktyvus


    Žinutės: 290

    Patinka: 3166

    Apdovanojimai: 5

    galit linka to update
    10 Sausio 2015 - 21:49 / #166
  7. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Forumietis


    Žinutės: 113

    Patinka: 3081

    Steame automatiškai atsinaujina.
    10 Sausio 2015 - 22:00 / #167
  8. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Aktyvus


    Žinutės: 443

    Patinka: 5415

    Apdovanojimai: 6

    Duokit kas link update
    10 Sausio 2015 - 22:01 / #168
  9. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Aktyvus


    Žinutės: 412

    Patinka: 1662

    Apdovanojimai: 2

    Bet turetu but ir atsisiust ir crack turetu atsirast.
    10 Sausio 2015 - 22:02 / #169
  10. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Forumietis


    Žinutės: 113

    Patinka: 3081

    Rytoj gal ir bus :)
    10 Sausio 2015 - 22:05 / #170

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