Euro truck simulator 2 multiplayer

Informacija apie ETS2 MP
  1. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Aktyvus


    Žinutės: 160

    Patinka: 976

    Apdovanojimai: 4

    MHM idomus pleistrai :D
    7 Rugpjūčio 2014 - 15:06 / #561
  2. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Aktyvus


    Žinutės: 658

    Patinka: 7808

    Apdovanojimai: 7

    Dearest players,

    Our developers are people, who give their time and experience in what they do to make multiplayer as best as it is possible. Today, they have decided not to support 1.11 patch due to short time between release 1.11 and 1.12 patches. What comes with that is that multiplayer patch, will be rescheduled and will be released few days after 1.12. Rootkiller and mwl4 also want to focus on the next major multiplayer patch. All these decisions will result in shorter porting time to 1.12 patch.

    ETS2MP Team.
    My PM shouldn't be used to ban appealing
    7 Rugpjūčio 2014 - 15:09 / #562
  3. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Aktyvus


    Žinutės: 658

    Patinka: 7808

    Apdovanojimai: 7


    I'd like to publish some short post about our plans about 1.12 support and changes in our team. Let's start.

    1.12 support and

    MWL4 is going to start porting mod to 1.12 patch today (16.08). We are aiming to release new update as soon as possible (probably within next few days). Update also will contains enabled speed limter at 90Kmph and some changes in our input disablement (we are working on enabling steering wheel, mouse and other non-keyboard controllers while typing on chat)

    Team changes

    After short trial we decided to thank for cooperation our community managers - Yntro and Alask.

    New forum look, community changes

    As you noticed or no we are working on some improvements to forum look, I'm working on complely new forum design (still WIP) that will be published as soon as possible. We are going to redo all forum sections to make everything more accessible to all of you. Also we are going to increase our support to Twitch streamers. More informations soon.

    (Added after publishing) High Power Cargo Pack DLC!

    Many of you are asking us about that if we are going to support new DLC in upcoming mod release. Yes we are! High Power Cargo Pack DLC will be supported. Players that does not have this DLC will simply see only trailer chassis - we can't distribute cargoes added by this DLC.

    Best Regards!
    ETS2MP Team
    16 Rugpjūčio 2014 - 16:01 / #563
  4. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Aktyvus


    Žinutės: 2278

    Patinka: 16367

    Normali versija. :D
    Omeni su Lietuviai palošk. :D

    adas7250, 20121007 Patinka ši žinutė.
    16 Rugpjūčio 2014 - 16:26 / #564
  5. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Aktyvus


    Žinutės: 2278

    Patinka: 16367

    Jai vežiau krovinis. no

    20121007 Patinka ši žinutė.
    16 Rugpjūčio 2014 - 19:04 / #565
  6. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Aktyvus


    Žinutės: 658

    Patinka: 7808

    Apdovanojimai: 7

    Pas mane pacio steam zaidimo versija 1.12.1s o laukiu isleis kad MP support and

    Paskutinį kartą redagavo: 20121007 16 Rugpjūčio 2014 - 19:20
    16 Rugpjūčio 2014 - 19:18 / #566
  7. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Aktyvus


    Žinutės: 658

    Patinka: 7808

    Apdovanojimai: 7

    London Sedžiu

    Paskutinį kartą redagavo: 20121007 20 Rugpjūčio 2014 - 11:29
    20 Rugpjūčio 2014 - 11:28 / #567
  8. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Aktyvus


    Žinutės: 595

    Patinka: 3226

    Mano žvėris
    rokis3, 20121007, adas7250 ir kitas 1 Patinka ši žinutė.
    25 Rugpjūčio 2014 - 15:22 / #568
  9. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Naujokas


    Žinutės: 1

    Apdovanojimai: 1

    sveiki,turiu tokia problema.norint pasileisti MP,launcher raso kad reikia atnaujinti zaidim i 1,12,1s.nors visur tanaujinau vistiek tapati meta.ka dar reikia atnaujinti,padekit:)nejau tai ir neiseis pasileisti ir pabandyti palosti ta MP.:D
    27 Rugpjūčio 2014 - 17:56 / #569
  10. Atsijungęs


    Narys: Aktyvus


    Žinutės: 975

    Patinka: 1791

    Apdovanojimai: 8

    i rotterdama nevazuokit!!!!! 25km ilgio kamstis
    28 Rugpjūčio 2014 - 16:42 / #570

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