Farming simulator 2017
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Yra tokia tema vadinasi galima ir kritikuot ir isreikst nuomone. Nevaiding cia didvirio nes nieko nepesi.25 Liepos 2016 - 15:04 / #331 -
Hey there farmers!
As we near the release of Farming Simulator 17, we’ll be releasing a bucket load of online content to whet your appetite before launch. This includes a bunch of dev blogs that go over some of the great new and expanded features you can expect in this upcoming installment.
In these dev blogs, we’ll be covering a range of different topics. These include:
New content
New gameplay mechanics
New vehicles
New brands
New environments
…and more!
To kick off this dev blog series, we’d like to briefly go into the all-new mission system in Farming Simulator 17.
Challenges on the Field
In previous iterations of Farming Simulator, you would come across empty fields that can only be worked on by purchasing them for yourself. This time around, things work a bit differently!
When viewing the details of a for-sale field, you are presented with two options - purchase the field there and then, or work a mission for the current owner – an NPC that you can help out! Their fields will go through their own natural agricultural cycles, and their tasks could involve sowing, fertilizing, harvesting and more! Every single objective is a true agriculture experience.
Before starting a job, you’ll be shown all relevant information that you need to complete the mission, including:
Payment - Given after successful completion of the mission.
Vehicles and equipment – These are required for the task, made available to you for the duration of the mission.
Job description – The current field owner will give you a brief of what is required of you.
By pressing ‘Start’, you’ll initiate the mission. Following this, all relevant vehicles and equipment will appear in front of you. Often, these will be too expensive for you to purchase for yourself, making missions a great way to learn how to use them!
These missions are timed, and you will receive bonus rewards based on how long it takes for you to complete the objective. If you are unable to complete the job within the allotted time, you will fail the mission and be unable to collect payment.
Earning Loyalty
If you are able to complete the mission in time, you’ll be given the agreed payment and the speed bonus. As well as this payment, you’ll also earn loyalty with the farmer who owns the field.
The more loyalty you have with a particular farmer, the greater the discount you’ll receive when it comes to buying the property outright. The more missions you take on with each farmer, the more loyalty you’ll earn!
There are many different farmers offering missions in Farming Simulator 17, each with their own unique personalities and jobs available. If you can earn loyalty with all of them, you’ll find it far easier to expand the size of your farm.
Thanks for checking out the first Farming Simulator 17 dev blog. Stay tuned for more details on exciting features, additions and improvements!
See you next time,
GIANTS Software25 Liepos 2016 - 19:05 / #332 -
fs 17 uztikau va tokia fotoTEoL Patinka ši žinutė.Paskutinį kartą redagavo: geniunasv45 25 Liepos 2016 - 19:0825 Liepos 2016 - 19:06 / #333
25 Liepos 2016 - 19:07 / #334
Bet pati valdymo lentelė atrodo tikrai patogiai. Nu ir šiaip kažkiek pakeista greičio ta lentelė su kuru ir t.t. Bet ir taip iš tiesų matosi šiek tiek naujesnės texturos technikos.25 Liepos 2016 - 19:14 / #335
neislaikiau,nusipirkau.25 Liepos 2016 - 20:02 / #336
:D25 Liepos 2016 - 20:04 / #337 -
barcode duosi guest pass palošt
arba lauk svečių
25 Liepos 2016 - 20:07 / #338 -
Nu kažkas įdomaus jau pradėjo rodytis. Gal pakeisiu nuomonę biški apie gianta :D Sorry Giants.. :DDEdvinas Patinka ši žinutė.25 Liepos 2016 - 21:21 / #339
Bemba žmonės nesuprantu Jūsų prieš kiekvieną naują serija vis taspats, triedžiat trypiat makaluojat, šaukiat kad lieva nauja versija niekas nepakeista, bet kai išleidžia lošiat, džiaugiatės ir į senają nesižvalgot, žiūriu neišimtis ir šie metai. Dar truputis ir išvis durnynas čia bus neįmanoma užeit, ūš čia kaip avilys, ''kada išleis, kada išleis'', vėl kai kurie naivuoliai lauks 00h tikėdamiesi jog jau tada ir paleis į apyvartą :D . Aišku sakysit nepatinka nesilankyt čia,na bet jopšikmat kiek galima...25 Liepos 2016 - 22:09 / #340
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